Wednesday 19 January 2011

Front Cover Analysis Three

The magazine “classic fm” specialises in the classical genre.  It is published every month and is the printed organ of the British classical commercial radio station, Classic FM. The magazine is targeted towards the ages of around 40 plus.  I say this because the people featured on the magazine are dressed in an elderly smart manner. For example, the man on the right hand corner of the magazine is dressed in a suit, resulting to the magazine being targeted to the age range 40 plus. The magazine sell lines are very informational, and are very to the point. “100 CD’s, books, DVD’s rated,” this sell line makes the audience aware of what the magazine is going to contain before even buying it. The number “100,” stands out as it has a different background colour than the other words, this stresses on the number 100 and shows the audience what the motif is. “Plus FREE best live music guide!” is another sell line that draws the audience in as the word free is in capital letters, which can be seen as the magazine is giving away something original at no price. The sell line “Fiddler on the surf” is a pun on the film Fiddler on the roof; people who are interested in classical music would understand this pun and could refer back to it.
The masthead is in front of the main image, which is unusual. This is because in normal magazines, the masthead is behind the main characters face. The word “favourite” is written in red which tells the reader and convinces them that it is UK’s most wanted classical magazine. In the western culture we usually read from left to right a go down. The magazine has published to major features in the magazine that would convince the reader to buy the magazine. The “free CD” is written at the start of the magazine and it is the first thing that we see, and in the bottom right hand corner we see “plus FREE best live music guide!” which is the last thing we see. These sell lines encourage the audience to buy the magazine.
The main image is of Myleene Klass, she is represented as a sophisticated and respected woman. She also looks the age of the target audience, this could also convince the target audience to buy the magazine as they can refer to the woman’s maturity. She has natural looking makeup on, which also refers back to the target audience as they also look respectable like Myleene Klass in the picture. Her clothing is also very graceful, which refers back to the target audience as being more established and in the working environment. The way she is posed in the magazine goes with the target audience and the genre of the magazine, is say this because, if she was dressed in a very seductive way, then it wouldn’t combine with the music magazines genre.
The design of the magazine is very packed; nearly every part of the page is filled with information for the audience which shows that the magazine is targeted to the more mature age who likes reading. The main colours used in the magazine are red, white and black. The text is mostly written in red and black on a white background. This dissimilarity makes it easier for the audience to read the information given to them with no difficulty. The use of alliteration “My musical mission,” pulls the reader in and makes them feel more interested.  The font of the title “classic fm” is written very refine and elegant.
Myleene Klass is a guest editor in the magazine, this is a unique selling point of the magazine because no other classical music magazine will have this feature, and this may also persuade the audience to buy the magazine. The reader who buys s the magazine will be offered a free CD; this would induce the reader to buy it as they are getting a “two for one” offer, as when buying the magazine the reader is also getting a free CD. This could be because sales of magazines and CD’s are decreasing as the years go on, due to the use of internet, and by giving away a free CD could pull the reader in, to buy the magazine.

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