Monday 7 February 2011

Contents Page Analysis One

The features on the contents page show us that the target audience of the magazine is for both male and female; this is because in the fashion section, vibe caters for both male and female. In all vibe contents pages there is always a V on the background. This makes the audience aware that they are looking at a vibe magazine. The artist Ciara, who is featured in the contents page, has her legs in a V shape. This again reinforces that the magazine is by vibe. Vibe has 3 contents pages; the 1/3 shows the audience which page they are on. They do this to allow them to have one main image on the contents page. The audience can focus on just that one image. The way the woman on the magazine is posed gives of a seductive vibe, which allows the audience to see that she is flaunting her famine features.
The target audience can be both women and men, this is because, the seductive pose attracts men, as she is seen as a sex symbol and could also be for women because they could see her as a role model. The way Ciara is presented in the magazine goes with the feminine film critic Laura Mulvey, she argued “To-be-looked-at-ness”, which meant that the male benefited with the way women were presented in media and films as they were shown to offer visual pleasure. However, this is not to say that the women audiences are completely alienated as they can see her as being an empowered woman and they will be able to identify with her. Gratifications theorists claim that audiences consume music and other forms of media as they want to be able to identify with them.
The colour schemes used in this contents page are very dull, as they only use different shades of black and white. These colours attract a specific target audience of being older as they aren’t too bright. The language is written in informal; this could be because of the target audience.

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