Friday 18 February 2011

My Fonts

1) Beatz
2) Beatz
3) Beatz
4) Beatz
6) Beatz
7) Beatz
8) Beatz
9) Beatz
10) Beatz
11) Beatz
12) Beatz
13) Beatz
14) Beatz
15) Beatz
I think that Font number 7 looks best for my magazine, (Beatz). this is because it looks like a font that would appear as a title on an R&B music magazine as it is big, bold and it stands out allot. i found that fonts such as number 8 (Beatz) and number 11 Beatz) would look best if it weas a classical magazine. I would also like to try and add jewels to my title to make it unique and to make it stand out.

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