Thursday 31 March 2011

Evaluation 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Young people are represented stereotypically in my magazine, this is because one of my features for my magazine is fashion. This is stereotypical for young people as they are interested in fashion. The fashion in my magazine appeals to young people’s tastes. Also featured in my magazine are the “Best Albums Of All Times”, this stereotypes young people as they are constantly wanting to be kept updated with the latest trends and gossip. The use of my website, also represents my target audience as they are able to use the internet. This shows me that they are familiar in using ICT, resulting to my media product representing the younger age that use technology on a daily basis.

Young people are strongly stereotyped on my contents page. This is because the male featured on my magazine is dressed as a typical RNB and Hip-Hop artist. This stereotypes young people as they also dress in the same way. The brands worn also stereotype young people as they also wear the same popular brands, i.e. Nike.  The image of the male with headphones is also dressed in a stereotypical way on how most RNB and Hip-Hop artists are represented. This shows me that the people who buy my magazine will also be interested with this type of clothing and will be able to relate to it.

However, in my double page spread, my interviewee uses formal language. This subverts stereotypes because usually in RNB and Hip-Hop magazines, artists speak in slang or colloquialism. The interviewee featured in my double page spread is not stereotyped as a usual teenager as she is not materialistic. This is because in her interview she says that “money can’t buy you happiness.” Most young people are seen as being materialistic; however my artist subverts this stereotype.

Overall, my magazine represents both male and female genders and is mostly targeted towards the younger age. I think that I have met my target audience and social group as in my magazine I have elements that provide for them both. 

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